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Your Mother Should Know

23. 11. 2008

Obrazek Magical Mystery Tour




ObrazekAnthology 2




Autor: Paul McCartney
Sólový zpěv: Paul McCartney
Délka: 2:31

Začátek nahrávání: 22. srpna 1969 (19. tejků)

Producent: George Martin

Zvukař: Geoff Emerick

Paul McCartney - sólový zpěv, basová kytara, klavír
John Lennon - zpěv, klávesy
George Harrison - zpěv, kytara
Ringo Starr - bicí


Při nahrávání této skladby se naposledy účastnil Brian Epstein. Zemřel o pět dní později. 



Ukázka: Your Mother Should Know


Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit
Before your Mother was born
Though she was born a long long time ago
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know
Sing it again.

Lift up your hearts and sing me a song that was a hit
Before your Mother was born
Though she was born a long long time ago
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know
Sing it again.

Though she was born a long long time ago
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know
Your Mother should know - your Mother should know




Am                      Fmaj7/C                                    
   Let's all get up and         dance to a song 
           A7               Dm                                
That was a   hit before your   mother was born.
G7                       C           C/B        A7                     
   Though she was born a   long long    time a-   go, 
                   D7           G7                            
your mother should   know (Your    mother should...)
                   C                A7                       
Your mother should   know. (Aaaah.) 
   Sing it again.

Am                      Fmaj7/C                                    
   Let's all get up and         dance to a song 
           A7               Dm                                
That was a   hit before your   mother was born.
G7                       C           C/B        A7                     
   Though she was born a   long long    time a-   go, 
                   D7           G7                            
your mother should   know (Your    mother should...)
                   C                A7                       
Your mother should   know. (Aaaah.) 

E7 - Am - E* - Cmaj13/F - Fmaj7/C - 
G7 - G7 - C - E7

Am                         Fmaj7/C                                  
   Lift up your hearts and         sing me a song
           A7               Dm                                
That was a   hit before your   mother was born.
G7                       C           C/B        A7                     
   Though she was born a   long long    time a-   go, 
                   D7           G7                            
your mother should   know (Your    mother should...)
                   C                A7                       
Your mother should   know. (Aaaah.) 
                   D7            G7                            
your mother should    know (Your    mother should...)
Your mother should   know. (Aaaah.)

E7 - Am - E* - Cmaj13/F - Fmaj7/C - 
G7 - G7 - C 

   Sing it again.
Am            Fmaj7/C             A7            Dm                          
   Da-da-da-da        Da-da-da-da   Da-da-da-da    Da-da-da-da
G7                        C           C/B        A7                    
   Though she was born a    long long    time a-   go, 
                    D7           G7                            
your mother should    know (Your    mother should...)
                    C                A7                       
Your mother should    know. (Aaaah.) 
                    D7           G7                            
your mother should    know (Your    mother should...)
                    C                A7                       
Your mother should    know. (Aaaah.) 
                    D7           G7                            
your mother should    know (Your    mother should...)
Your mother should know 






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